Prerequisite(s): ARFD 200, ARST 201, ARST 202, ENTR 201 or ENTR 260. This class will explore the design and creation of objects in both the digital and physical environment. Using prototyping, 3D modeling, 3D printing and CNC, mold making, and slip casting ceramics students will bridge the gap between the digital and physical. Students will work with 3D modeling software to create unique designs. They will learn about modeling and optimizing models for 3D printed output for ceramic objects. The class will move onto parametric and generative design techniques for creating ranges of designs. These designs will be used to create physical objects with the use of various sorts of 3D printers. The class will explore various ceramics techniques and making processes that can best exploit 3D printing qualities such as plaster molds, slip cast ceramics, surface treatments such as decals and luster firings.