Section Tally
Courses in HPEM
Principles and Practice of Emergency Care. (HPEM150)
Freshman Seminar in Health and Physical Education. (HPEM199)
Development and Philosophy of Health and Physical Education. (HPEM352)
Management of Health, Physical Education, Athletics and Fitness Programs. (HPEM356)
Assessment and Technology in Health and Physical Education (HPEM455)
Prin/Prac-Emergency Care (HPEM150)
Freshman Sem in Hlth & Phys Ed (HPEM199)
Dev/Phil of Hlth/Phys Ed (HPEM352)
Mgt Hlth,Phys Ed,Ath,Fit Prog (HPEM356)
Assessment and Tech in H&PE (HPEM455)