Section Tally
Courses in MEDI
Media, Technology, and Learning in the Curriculum. (MEDI500)
Critical Basics of Media and Technology Production. (MEDI503)
The Role of the Media Specialist. (MEDI504)
Access and Organization of Educational Media. (MEDI505)
Evaluation and Selection of Educational Media. (MEDI506)
Production of Materials for Media Technology. (MEDI520)
Design of Innovative Curriculum Resources. (MEDI521)
Integrating Technology Across the Elementary Curriculum. (MEDI523)
Administration and Supervision of Media in Education. (MEDI550)
Developing Materials for Computer Technology in Training and Education. (MEDI570)
Research and Development Seminar in Instructional Technology and Resources. (MEDI610)
Supervised Field Experience for Educational Media Certification. (MEDI615)
Media Tech/Learning in Curr (MEDI500)
Critcal Basics Media/Tech Prod (MEDI503)
Role of the Media Specialist (MEDI504)
Access & Org of Educ Media (MEDI505)
Eval & Selection of Ed Medi (MEDI506)
Prod of Materials Media Tech (MEDI520)
Design of Innov Curr Resource (MEDI521)
Integrating Tech Across El Cur (MEDI523)
Admin/Supv of Media in Educ (MEDI550)
Dev Material-Cmpt Tec Train/Ed (MEDI570)
Res & Dev Seminar-Instr Tech (MEDI610)
Supv Field Exper-Ed Media Cert (MEDI615)