Section Tally
Courses in MATH
Appled Chem Algebra (MATH092)
Appled Chem Algebra (MATH093)
Foundations of Mathematics for the Liberal Arts (MATH101)
Modern Pre-calculus (MATH102)
Elementary Probability and Statistics (MATH105)
University Mathematics A (MATH107)
University Mathematics B (MATH108)
University Mathematics B II - Trigonometry (MATH110)
Calculus I (MATH111)
Calculus II (MATH112)
Finite Mathematics and Calculus I (MATH113)
Basic Concepts in Statistics (MATH120)
Calc W/Anallytic Geom I (MATH121)
Calculus for Business (MATH135)
General Calculus I (MATH138)
Calculus I for Computing (MATH161)
Calculus III A (MATH211)
Calculus III B (MATH213)
Differential Equations (MATH222)
Survey of Probability and Statistics (MATH225)
Survey of Probability and Statistics (MATH225A)
Discrete Analysis (MATH226)
Mathematical Modeling (MATH227)
General Calculus II (MATH238)
Linear Algebra (MATH239)
Introduction to Probability Theory (MATH244)
Statistics and Probability for Engineers (MATH279)
Statistics for Technology (MATH305)
Mathematical Analysis for Technology (MATH309)
Co-op Work Experience I (MATH310)
Differential Equations for Applications (MATH322)
Discrete Analysis for Computer Engineers (MATH326)
Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers (MATH328)
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations (MATH331)
Introduction to Functions of a Complex Variable (MATH332)
Probability and Statistics (MATH333)
Operations Research (MATH334)
Vector Analysis (MATH335)
Applied Abstract Algebra (MATH336)
Linear Algebra (MATH337)
Applied Numerical Methods (MATH340)
Statistical Methods II (MATH341)
Regression Analysis (MATH344)
Multivariate Distributions (MATH345)
Mathematics of Finance I (MATH346)
Mathematics of Finance II (MATH347)
Loss Models (MATH356)
Physiology And Medicine (MATH371)
Population Biology (MATH372)
Introduction to Mathematical Biology (MATH373)
Introduction to Chaos Theory (MATH388)
Numerical Linear Algebra (MATH391)
Undergraduate Research Seminar (MATH401)
Co-op Work Experience II (MATH410)
Analytical and Computational Neuroscience (MATH430)
Systems Computational Neuroscience (MATH431)
Mathematics of Financial Derivatives I (Capstone I) (MATH432)
Mathematics of Financial Derivatives II (Capstone II) (MATH433)
Advanced Applied Numerical Methods (MATH440)
Actuarial Mathematics I (MATH441)
Actuarial Mathematics II (MATH442)
Applied Sampling Methods and Quality Control (MATH444)
Introduction to Experimental Design (MATH445)
Topics in Applied Statistics (MATH446)
Applied Time Series Analysis (MATH447)
Stochastic Simulation (MATH448)
Methods Of Applied Math (MATH450)
Methods Appl Math II (MATH451)
High-Performance Numerical Computing (MATH453)
Introduction to Statistical Computing with SAS and R (MATH461)
Statistics and Statistical Learning (Capstone I) (MATH462)
Statistics and Statistical Learning (Capstone II) (MATH463)
Intermediate Differential Equations (MATH473)
Stochastic Processes (MATH477)
Stat Methods in Data Sci (MATH478)
Introductory Mathematical Analysis (MATH480)
Advanced Calculus (MATH481)
Independent Study in Mathematics (MATH491)
Independent Study II (MATH492)
Topics in Applied Mathematics (MATH495)
Introductory Mathematical Analysis (MATH545)
Advanced Calculus (MATH546)
Intermediate Differential Equations (MATH573)
Graduate Co-op Work Experience I (MATH590)
Graduate Co-op Work Experience II (MATH591)
Graduate Co-op Work Experience III (MATH592)
Graduate Co-op Work Experience IV (MATH593)
Teaching in Mathematics (MATH599)
Mathematical Finance (MATH604)
Stochastic Calculus (MATH605)
Term Structure Models (MATH606)
Credit Risk Models (MATH607)
Partial Differential Equations for Finance (MATH608)
Projects in Mathematical and Computational Finance (MATH609)
Graduate Research Methods (MATH610)
Numerical Methods for Computation (MATH611)
Advanced Applied Mathematics I: Modeling (MATH613)
Numerical Methods I (MATH614)
Approaches to Quantitative Analysis in the Life Sciences (MATH615)
Linear Algebra and Applications (MATH630)