Section Tally
Courses in PHYS
General Physics I (PHYS102)
General Physics I Lab (PHYS102A)
General Physics II (PHYS103)
General Physics II Lab (PHYS103A)
Physics I (PHYS111)
Physics I Lab (PHYS111A)
Introduction to Data Reduction with Applications (PHYS114)
Physics II (PHYS121)
Physics II Lab (PHYS121A)
Electricity & Magntsm ECE Appl (PHYS122)
Introductory Astronomy and Cosmology (PHYS202)
Astronomy and Cosmology Laboratory (PHYS202A)
The Earth in Space (PHYS203)
The Earth in Space Lab (PHYS203A)
Biophysics of Life (PHYS204)
Physics III Lab (PHYS231A)
Physics III Honors (PHYS231H)
Physics III (PHYS234)
Introduction to Atomic and Nuclear Physics (PHYS310)
Co-op Work Experience I (PHYS311)
Astronomy and Astrophysics I (PHYS320)
Astronomy and Astrophysics II (PHYS321)
Observational Astronomy (PHYS322)
Introductory Thermodynamics (PHYS335)
Biophysics I (PHYS350)
Selected Topics of Current Interest in Physics (PHYS390)
Co-op Work Experience II (PHYS411)
Fundamentals of Optical Imaging (PHYS418)
Special Relativity (PHYS420)
General Relativity (PHYS421)
Classical Mechanics I (PHYS430)
Classical Mechanics II (PHYS431)
Electromagnetism I (PHYS432)
Electromagnetism II (PHYS433)
Modern Physics (PHYS441)
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (PHYS442)
Modern Optics (PHYS443)
Fluid and Plasma Dynamics (PHYS444)
Solid State Physics (PHYS446)
Advanced Physics Lab (PHYS450)
Biophysics of Electricity and Radiation (PHYS451)
Atomic and Nuclear Physics (PHYS452)
Introduction to Solid State Physics (PHYS456)
Mathematical Methods of Theoretical Physics (PHYS461)
Topics in Applied Physics (PHYS480)
Applied Solid State Physics: Microelectronics I (PHYS481)
Applied Solid State Physics: Microelectronics II (PHYS482)
Applied Solid State Physics (PHYS483)
Computer Modeling of Applied Physics Problems (PHYS485)
Independent Study (PHYS490)
Independent Study II (PHYS491)
Graduate Coop Work Exp I (PHYS590)
Graduate Coop Work Exp II (PHYS591)
Topics in Astronomy and Cosmology (PHYS607)
Adv Classical Mechanics (PHYS611)
Classical Electrodynamic (PHYS621)
Statistical Mechanics (PHYS641)
Fund of Optical Imaging (PHYS652)
Solid-State Physics (PHYS661)
Solar Phys & Instrumentn (PHYS681)
Introduction To Mems (PHYS682)
Physics of Materials (PHYS687)
Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Materials Science (PHYS688)
Directed Study Appl Phys (PHYS690)
ST: (PHYS698)
Master'S Project (PHYS700)
Master's Project (PHYS700B)
Master's Thesis (PHYS701B)
Master's Thesis (PHYS701C)
Classical Electrodynamics II (PHYS721)
Independent Study I (PHYS725)
Independent Study II (PHYS726)
Radio Astronomy (PHYS728)
Quantum Mechanics II (PHYS731)
Basic Plasma Phys w Space, Lab (PHYS741)
Intro to Helioseismology (PHYS747)
Applied Optics (PHYS751)
Light Sources & Photodetectors (PHYS753)
Fundamentals of Spectroscopy (PHYS774)
Curr Topics Applied Phys (PHYS780)
New Concepts of Semiconductor (PHYS787)
Physics of Advanced Semiconductor Device Processing (PHYS789)
Doct Dissertation & Res (PHYS790A)
Doctoral Seminar (PHYS791)
Pre-Doctoral Research (PHYS792)