Section Tally
Courses in TRAN
Geometric Design of Transportation Facilities (TRAN552)
Design and Construction of Asphalt Pavements (TRAN553)
Graduate Co-op Work Experience (TRAN592)
Geographic Information Systems (TRAN602)
Introduction to Urban Transportation Planning (TRAN603)
Behavioral Issues in Transportation Studies (TRAN608)
Transportation Economics (TRAN610)
Traffic Studies and Capacity (TRAN615)
Public Transportation Operations and Technology (TRAN625)
Distribution Logistics (TRAN640)
Transportation Finance (TRAN643)
Urban Systems Engineering (TRAN650)
Traffic Safety (TRAN653)
Land Use Planning (TRAN655)
Flexible and Rigid Pavements (TRAN659)
Master'S Project (TRAN700B)
Master's Thesis (TRAN701B)
Master'S Thesis (TRAN701C)
Topics In Transportation (TRAN702)
Mass Transportation Systems (TRAN705)
Discrete Choice Modeling for Travel Demand Forecasting (TRAN720)
Independent Study (TRAN725)
Independent Study II (TRAN726)
Traffic Control (TRAN752)
Airport Design and Planning (TRAN753)
Port Design and Planning (TRAN754)
Intelligent Transportation Systems (TRAN755)
Urban Trans Networks (TRAN760)
Multi-modal Freight Transportation Systems Analysis (TRAN765)
Doctoral Dissertation (TRAN790A)
Doctoral Seminar (TRAN791)
Pre-Doctoral Research (TRAN792)
Pre-Doctoral Research (TRAN792B)