Section Tally
Courses in ECON
Introduction to Economics. (ECON100)
Applied Macroeconomics (ECON101)
Applied Microeconomics (ECON102)
Data Analysis Tools in Economics and Business (ECON201)
Economics and Finance for Non-Business Majors (ECON202)
Fundamental Mathematics for Economics (ECON203)
Collective Bargaining: Theory and Practice. (ECON205)
Managerial Economics. (ECON206)
Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis. (ECON207)
Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis. (ECON208)
Economic History of the United States. (ECON213)
The Economics of Social Problems. (ECON215)
Economics of Professional Sports. (ECON221)
Financial Economics (ECON224)
Economics of Time and Mind (ECON240)
Special Topics in Economics (ECON250)
Money and Banking. (ECON301)
Economic Growth and Development. (ECON303)
Public Finance (ECON308)
Urban and Regional Economics. (ECON310)
Labor Economics. (ECON311)
Development of Economic Thought. (ECON314)
Quantitative Methods for Economics (ECON317)
Latin American Environments and Economies in a Global Framework. (ECON320)
Economics of Industrial Organization (ECON321)
Health Economics and Policy (ECON322)
Capital Markets and Financial Institutions (ECON324)
International Economics. (ECON370)
World Trade and Investment (ECON371)
Global Economies and Markets (ECON381)
Applied Econometrics (ECON390)
Economics Independent Study. (ECON398)
Comparative Economic Systems. (ECON403)
Economic Development of Sub-Saharan Africa. (ECON405)
Strategic Thinking and Game Theory. (ECON408)
Economics of National Security. (ECON409)
Business Forecasting and Analytics (ECON412)
Economics of Natural Resources and Global Warming. (ECON414)
Economics Of Energy And Environmental Policy. (ECON419)
Globalization and World Development (ECON422)
International Macroeconomic Policy. (ECON430)
Advanced Seminar in Economics. (ECON438)
Advanced Seminar in Economics: Honors I. (ECON439)
Advanced Seminar in Economics: Honors II. (ECON440)
Seminar in International Economic Geography. (ECON461)
Real Estate Internship. (ECON490)
Economics Independent Study. (ECON497)
Economic Analysis. (ECON501)
Aggregate Economics. (ECON505)
Urban Economics: Problems and Policy. (ECON510)
Applied Econometrics. (ECON521)
Microeconomics for Managers. (ECON530)
Macroeconomics for Managers. (ECON531)
Foundations of Contemporary Economic Thought. (ECON541)
Government and Business. (ECON544)
Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A's) (ECON558)
Economics Internship. (ECON560)
Internship Treatise. (ECON561)
Macroeconomics Analysis and Public Policy. (ECON562)
Managerial Economics. (ECON563)
Multinationals and Emerging Markets (ECON564)
Globalization and the Developing World. (ECON571)
Independent Study in Economics. (ECON575)
Special Topics in Economics (ECON577)
Reading Seminar in Applied Economics. (ECON590)
Reading Seminar in Economics. (ECON603)
Master's Thesis. (ECON698)
Master's Thesis Extension. (ECON699)
Intro to Economics (ECON100)
Applied Macroeconomics (ECON101)
Applied Microeconomics (ECON102)
Data Analysis Tools-Econ & Bus (ECON201)
Econ & Fin for Non-Business (ECON202)
Fundamental Math for Economics (ECON203)
Collctve Bargain: Theory/Prac (ECON205)
Managerial Economics (ECON206)
Intermed Microecon Analysis (ECON207)
Intermed Macroecon Analysis (ECON208)
Economic History of U.S. (ECON213)
Economics of Social Problems (ECON215)
Economics-Professional Sports (ECON221)
Financial Economics (ECON224)
Economics of Time and Mind (ECON240)
Special Topics-Economics (ECON250)
Money and Banking (ECON301)
Economic Growth & Development (ECON303)
Public Finance (ECON308)
Urban & Regional Economics (ECON310)
Labor Economics (ECON311)
Development Economic Thought (ECON314)
Quantitative Methods for Econ (ECON317)
Lat Amer Env/Econ Glob Frame (ECON320)
Industrial Organization (ECON321)
Health Economics and Policy (ECON322)
Capital Markets and Finc Inst (ECON324)
International Economics (ECON370)
World Trade & Investment (ECON371)
Global Economies and Markets (ECON381)
Applied Econometrics (ECON390)
Economic Independent Study (ECON398)