Section Tally
Courses in HLTH
Personal Health Issues. (HLTH101)
Introduction to Public Health. (HLTH102)
Medical Terminology. (HLTH105)
Public Health Foundations, Ethics, and Cultural Competency. (HLTH202)
Social and Behavioral Aspects of Health. (HLTH204)
Injury Prevention and Emergency Care (HLTH207)
Study of Human Diseases. (HLTH208)
Perspectives on Drugs. (HLTH213)
Drug Education in the Schools. (HLTH215)
Mental Health. (HLTH220)
Mental Health in the Schools. (HLTH222)
Foundations of Environmental Health. (HLTH240)
Human Sexuality. (HLTH290)
Sexuality Education in the Schools. (HLTH295)
Program Planning and Evaluation. (HLTH328)
Health Education Methods. (HLTH330)
Health Promotion. (HLTH342)
Special Topics in Health (HLTH347)
Addressing Health Disparities Through Social Justice. (HLTH355)
Health Policy and Administration. (HLTH360)
Health Systems Administration and Leadership (HLTH361)
Science of Public Health: Epidemiology. (HLTH365)
Health Economics and Finance (HLTH370)
Health Communication. (HLTH374)
The Teaching of Health. (HLTH401)
Professional Certifications in Health (HLTH405)
School Health and Community Services. (HLTH411)
Applied Statistics for Public Health. (HLTH425)
Counseling Skills for Public Health Professionals. (HLTH430)
Advanced Methods in Health Education. (HLTH431)
Population Approaches to Diet and Activity. (HLTH433)
Health Aspects of Aging. (HLTH440)
Community Organizing and Health Advocacy. (HLTH444)
Race, Racism, and Health. (HLTH454)
Gender, Sexuality, and Health Disparities. (HLTH474)
Ethical Issues in Public Health (HLTH490)
Health Systems Research and Evaluation (HLTH492)
Introduction to Internship and Professionalism (HLTH497)
Internship and Culminating Seminar (HLTH498)
Public Health Seminar: Foundations, Ethics, and Cultural Competency. (HLTH501)
Determinants of Environmental Health. (HLTH502)
Research Methods in Health. (HLTH503)
Behavioral and Social Science in Health. (HLTH504)
Health Systems Research (HLTH506)
Community Health Education Methods, Application, and Practice (HLTH507)
Health Education Workshop I. (HLTH510)
Biomedical and Psychosocial Perspectives on Drugs. (HLTH511)
Foundations and Methods in Health Education. (HLTH520)
Grant Writing. (HLTH525)
Program Planning and Evaluation. (HLTH528)
Applied Program Planning and Evaluation (HLTH529)
Independent Study in Health. (HLTH531)
Special Topics in Mental Health (HLTH540)
Special Topics in Gerontology (HLTH551)
Structures of Inequality in Public Health (HLTH555)
Foundations of Epidemiology. (HLTH565)
The Teaching of Human Sexuality. (HLTH575)
Special Topics in Health (HLTH577)
Health Policy and Politics. (HLTH580)
Health Systems Administration and Management (HLTH581)
Health Economics and Finance (HLTH582)
Internship and Professional Seminar. (HLTH604)
Community Project. (HLTH605)
Culminating Seminar. (HLTH606)
Personal Health Issues (HLTH101)
Introduction to Public Health (HLTH102)
Medical Terminology (HLTH105)
Found & Ethics in Public Hlth (HLTH202)
Soc & Behavioral Aspect Health (HLTH204)
Injury Prevention & Emerg Care (HLTH207)
Study of Human Diseases (HLTH208)
Perspectives on Drugs (HLTH213)
Drug Education in the Schools (HLTH215)
Mental Health (HLTH220)
Mental Health in the Schools (HLTH222)
Found-Envirnmental Health (HLTH240)
Human Sexuality (HLTH290)
Sexuality Educ in the Schools (HLTH295)
Program Planning & Evaluation (HLTH328)
Health Education Methods (HLTH330)
Health Promotion (HLTH342)
Special Topics-Health (HLTH347)
Addressing Health Disparities (HLTH355)
Health Policy & Administration (HLTH360)
Health Sys Admin & Leadership (HLTH361)
Sci of Pub Hlth: Epidemiology (HLTH365)
Health Economics and Finance (HLTH370)
Health Communication (HLTH374)
The Teaching of Health (HLTH401)
Prof Certifications in Health (HLTH405)
School Hlth&Community Service (HLTH411)
Applied Stats - Public Health (HLTH425)
Counsel Skills-Pub Hlth Prof (HLTH430)
Adv Methods in Health Educ (HLTH431)
Pop Approach - Diet & Activity (HLTH433)
Health Aspects of Aging (HLTH440)
Cmmunty Org & Health Advocacy (HLTH444)
Race, Racism and Health (HLTH454)
Gender,Sexuality & Health Disp (HLTH474)
Ethics Issues in Public Health (HLTH490)