Section Tally
Courses in ENG
English Composition I (ENG101)
Enhanced English Comp I (ENG101E)
English Composition II (ENG102)
Survey of World Literature (ENG103)
Readings in Literature (ENG104)
Principles of Eng Grammar (ENG107)
Sur of Class Greek & Rom Lit (ENG109)
Literature by Women (ENG203)
Major British Writers:Middle Ages to the 17th Century (ENG207)
Major British Writers from the 18th Century to the Present (ENG208)
The Legends of King Arthur and the Knights of Camelot (ENG211)
Non-Western Literature (ENG213)
Immigrant Voices in American Literature (ENG215)
Romantic Era American Lit (ENG222)
20th Century American Authors (ENG225)
Major American Writers (ENG230)
American Film Classics (ENG235)
Contemporary American Film (ENG236)
Amer Horror Lit: Poe - King (ENG237)
The Films of Alfred Hitchcock (ENG238)
Intro to Children's Literature (ENG240)
Survey of African Amer. Lit. (ENG241)
The Freedom Papers/D Brit Hist (ENG243)
LGBTQ + Authors And Filmmakers (ENG248)