Section Tally
Courses in ENGL
English Elective 100-200 Level (ENGL01067)
English Elective 300-400 Level (ENGL01068)
English Major Elective (ENGL02070)
Literature Elective (ENGL02075)
Critical Methods I for English Majors (ENGL02101)
Introduction to British Literature (ENGL02110)
Readings in Asian Literature (ENGL02112)
Introduction to U.S. Literature (ENGL02113)
Introduction to Global Literatures in English (ENGL02116)
Topics in Literature (ENGL02123)
Readings in Shakespeare (ENGL02151)
Gender, Sexuality, and Literature (ENGL02200)
Critical Methods II for English Majors (ENGL02202)
Young Adult Literature (ENGL02205)
Multiethnic Literatures of the United States (ENGL02218)
Selected Topics in Multiethnic Literatures of the US (ENGL02223)
Genre Studies: Short Fiction (ENGL02228)
World Mythologies (ENGL02231)
Genre Studies: Drama (ENGL02234)
Genre Studies: Poetry (ENGL02235)
The English Novel (ENGL02270)
The American Novel (ENGL02285)
Literary Study Off-Campus (ENGL02301)
Contemporary Children's Literature for Non-Majors (ENGL02305)
British Literature I (ENGL02309)
British Literature II (ENGL02311)
US Literature I (ENGL02313)
US Literature II (ENGL02315)
Children's Literature: Texts and Contexts (ENGL02317)
Literature of the American Renaissance (ENGL02322)
American Realism and Naturalism (ENGL02324)
Modern and Contemporary American Poetry (ENGL02327)
Classical Literature in Translation (ENGL02330)
Literary Theory (ENGL02340)
Shakespeare I (ENGL02345)
African American Literature I (ENGL02354)
African American Literature II (ENGL02355)
Asian American Literature (ENGL02360)
Native American Literature (ENGL02362)
U.S. Latino/a Literature (ENGL02365)
African American Literature (ENGL02380)
Independent Study (English) (ENGL02392)
Internship in English (ENGL02410)
Special Topics in Literature (ENGL02417)
The American Novel (ENGL02423)
American Drama (ENGL02424)
Contemporary Literature (ENGL02425)
Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Literature (ENGL02430)
Chaucer (ENGL02440)
English Renaissance Literature (ENGL02441)
Shakespeare II (ENGL02445)
British Literature: The Long Eighteenth Century (ENGL02460)
Special Topics in Multiethnic Literatures of the United States (ENGL02470)
English Romanticism (ENGL02471)
Victorian Literature (ENGL02472)
Global Modernisms (ENGL02473)
Special Topics in Global Literatures in English (ENGL02475)
Modern European Literature (ENGL02482)
Senior Seminar - WI (ENGL02499)
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in U.S. Literature (ENGL02530)
Graduate Studies in Adolescent Literature (ENGL02605)
Teaching Shakespeare (ENGL02617)
Teaching World Literature (ENGL02638)
American English Grammar (ENGL05301)
Teaching American English Grammar (ENGL05501)
Queer Literature (ENGL02269)