Section Tally
Courses in ECEL
Perspectives on Early Childhood and Elementary Education in a Democracy. (ECEL200)
Promoting Infant Toddler Social Emotional Well-being in Educational Settings. (ECEL209)
Supervised Field Work in Infant and Toddler Educational Settings. (ECEL210)
Arts and Creative Expression in Early Childhood. (ECEL216)
Language and Literature for Young Children. (ECEL219)
Foundation and Philosophy of Inclusive Education. (ECEL279)
Scientific Inquiry in Elementary Schools I (PreK-6th Grade) (ECEL300)
Scientific Inquiry in Elementary Schools II (PreK-6th Grade) (ECEL301)
Independent Study in Early Childhood and Elementary Education. (ECEL365)
Special Topics in Early Childhood and Elementary Education (ECEL375)
Social Studies and the Arts in Elementary Classrooms. (ECEL408)
Clinical Practice I: Inclusive Early Childhood and Elementary Classrooms (ECEL410)
Clinical Experience I: Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms. (ECEL411)
Seminar I: Inclusive Elementary Classrooms. (ECEL412)
Seminar I: Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms. (ECEL413)
Clinical Practice II: Inclusive Early Childhood and Elementary Classrooms (ECEL414)
Clinical Experience II: Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms. (ECEL415)
Problem Solving in Science, Math, and Technology in Early Childhood Classrooms. (ECEL417)
Social and Cultural Context of Families and Communities. (ECEL418)
Seminar II: Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms. (ECEL419)
Building Programs and Community in Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms. (ECEL420)
Seminar II: Inclusive Elementary Classrooms. (ECEL421)
Integrating Elementary Curriculum and Assessment for Equity and Diversity. (ECEL422)
In-Service Supervised Student Teaching. (ECEL424)
Explorations: Science, Math, and Technology in the Elementary Classrooms. (ECEL427)
Content Integration and Assessment in Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms. (ECEL435)
Perspectives on Early Childhood and Elementary Education in a Diverse Society. (ECEL501)
Seminar I: Inclusive Early Childhood and Elementary Classrooms. (ECEL502)
Seminar II: Inclusive Early Childhood and Elementary Classrooms. (ECEL504)
Observation and Inquiry in Early Childhood and Elementary Setting. (ECEL505)
Introduction to Early Childhood Theory and Practice. (ECEL506)
Application of Theory and Practice, Early Childhood Education. (ECEL507)
Clinical Practice I: Inclusive Early Childhood and Elementary (ECEL510)
Clinical Practice II: Inclusive Early Childhood and Elementary Classrooms (ECEL511)
Integrating Math/Science/Technology in Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms. (ECEL513)
In-Service Supervised Graduate Student Teaching. (ECEL514)
Social Studies and the Arts: Understanding Democracy in Elementary Classrooms. (ECEL516)
Integrating Science and Technology in Early Childhood and Elementary Classrooms. (ECEL517)
Families, Communities, and Schools: Diversity, Culture and Democracy. (ECEL518)
Curriculum Development and Assessment in Diverse Elementary Classrooms. (ECEL522)
Landscape of Learning, Schools, and Schooling. (ECEL523)
Engaging with the Community, Math, Science, and the Arts. (ECEL524)
Curriculum, Assessment, and Inclusion in Urban Classrooms. (ECEL525)
Inquiry and Reflection: Teaching and Practice in Urban Classrooms. (ECEL526)
Teaching Content in Early Childhood and Elementary Bilingual and Sheltered English Classrooms. (ECEL527)
Early Childhood Curriculum in Inclusive Settings. (ECEL528)
Sociocultural Foundations for Working with Early Childhood and Elementary Bilingual Learners and Fam (ECEL529)
Special Topics in Early Childhood and Elementary Education Research Seminar (ECEL532)
Independent Study in Early Childhood and Elementary Education. (ECEL565)
Special Topics in Early Childhood and Elementary Education (ECEL575)
Build Social & Emotional Relationships in Group Sett:Infant Toddler Mental Health for Educators. (ECEL610)
Issues, Policies and Trends in Inclusive Education. (ECEL691)
Master's Thesis. (ECEL698)
Master's Thesis Extension. (ECEL699)
Perspv Early Chd/El Ed Democr (ECEL200)
Inf/Tod Soc/Emo Well-B Ed Setg (ECEL209)
Field Work Inf/Tod Ed Settings (ECEL210)
Arts & Creativ Expressn Early (ECEL216)
Lang/Lit for Young Children (ECEL219)
Found Philos Inclusive Educ (ECEL279)
Science Inquiry I (ECEL300)
Science Inquiry II (ECEL301)
Indep Stdy Early Ch/Elem Ed (ECEL365)
Special Topics-ECEL Education (ECEL375)
Social Studies & the Arts (ECEL408)
Clinical Prac I: Early Ch/Elem (ECEL410)
Clin Exp I: Incls Early Chld (ECEL411)
Seminar I:Inclusive Elementary (ECEL412)
Sem I: Inclusive Early Chld Cl (ECEL413)
Clin Prac II: Inclus ECEL Clas (ECEL414)
Clin Exp II: Incls Early Chld (ECEL415)
Prob Solv Sci/Tec/Math Erly Ch (ECEL417)
Soc/Cult Context Family & Comm (ECEL418)
Sem II: Inclusive Early Child (ECEL419)
Building Prog/Comm Incl EC Cls (ECEL420)
Sem II: Inclusive Elem Class (ECEL421)
Integrating Elem Curr & Assess (ECEL422)
Inservice Supv Student Tchg (ECEL424)
Explorations:Sci, Math & Tech (ECEL427)
Contnt Integ/Assess Incl EC Cl (ECEL435)
Perspctivs ECEL Divrse Society (ECEL501)
Sem I:Inclusive EC/Elem Clasrm (ECEL502)
Sem II:Inclsv EC/Elem Clasrm (ECEL504)
Observ&Inquiry Early Chld&Elem (ECEL505)
Intro EC Theory/Practice (ECEL506)
Application/Theory/Prac Ece (ECEL507)
Clinical Prac I: EarlyCh/Elem (ECEL510)
Clin Prac II: Inclus ECEL Clas (ECEL511)
Integ Math Sci Tech Incl Early (ECEL513)
InService Supvd Grad Stu Tchg (ECEL514)
Social Studies & Arts Elem Cls (ECEL516)
Science & Tech Ec/Elem Classrm (ECEL517)
Families, Comm & Sch:Div (ECEL518)
Curric Dev & Assess Elem Cls (ECEL522)
Landscape of Learning & School (ECEL523)
Engaging Commty Math,Sci,Arts (ECEL524)
Curr, Assess, Inclsn, Urb Clas (ECEL525)
Inquiry and Reflection (ECEL526)
Teach Content in Bil&Eng Clsrm (ECEL527)
Early Chld Curr Inclusiv Sett (ECEL528)